Founded in 2012, Ovan Capital SA is an independent company based in Geneva that specialises in asset management and investment advisory services for high-net-worth swiss and international clients.
Our company consists of experienced professionals who are committed and passionate by their craft.
The proximity with our clients is of paramount importance to build a long and constructive relationship. Our pursuit of excellence constantly motivates us to improve our processes and enables us to offer innovative and efficient solutions to our clients.
Our values:
- The honesty and integrity infused in the relationships that bind us to our clients, partners and service providers.
- A business ethic geared towards the prevention of any conflict of interests with our clients.
- An absolute transparency of our fees and of our management assignments.
- A client dedicated effort and a constant quest for innovation.
Discretionary management mandate
This mandate is intended for the client who wishes to delegate the management of his portfolio. Together we will determine the profile adapted to his objectives. This mandate authorises us to manage and give instructions on behalf of the client to the banking institution where his portfolio is deposited but excludes the right of disposition.
Advisory mandate
Based on the advisory mandate, our advisers provide to our clients, willing to participate actively in the management of their investments, all necessary market information to assist them in making their own decisions. Ovan will transmit the orders approved by the client to the latter’s bank and will monitor their correct execution.
Audit of Portfolio Management
Ovan makes its asset management expertise available to clients who wish to analyse their portfolios entrusted to other financial institutions (banks or external asset managers). Following this management audit, a detailed report on the management compliance, the analysis of the risk-return combination and on the fees will be submitted to the client. This service offers the client a stringent, objective and independent perspective on the management of his estate by other industry players.

A tripartite relationship
Ovan Capital is affiliated with SO-FIT which is a self-regulatory organization approved by the Swiss Federal Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) for the supervision of financial intermediaries referred to in Article 2 para. 3 of the Swiss Federal Law on Combating Money Laundering and the financing of terrorism in the financial sector (Anti-Money Laundering Act). Ovan Capital is also a member of the Swiss Association of Wealth Managers (ASG).
The mediation body
In accordance with the legal obligations under LSFin, we are affiliated to a mediation body. We inform you that in case of any possible disagreement between us, you are granted the option to have recourse to mediation. The contact details of the mediation body are:
Terraxis SA
Rue de la Tour-de-l’Île 1
CH-1204 Genève
T +41 22 732 61 19


Cryptos :
- Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
- Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS)
Professional association:
- Association Suisse des Gérants de Fortune
Charitable associations:
- Ligue suisse contre le cancer
www.liguecancer.ch - La Pouponnière et l’Abri
www.pouponniere.ch - Caritas

Ovan Capital SA
Rue François-Bonivard 10
CH-1201 Genève
T +41 22 310 76 50
F +41 22 310 76 51
E info@ovan-capital.ch

Founded in 2012, Ovan Capital SA is an independent company based in Geneva that specialises in asset management and investment advisory services for high-net-worth swiss and international clients.
Our company consists of experienced professionals who are committed and passionate by their craft.
The proximity with our clients is of paramount importance to build a long and constructive relationship. Our pursuit of excellence constantly motivates us to improve our processes and enables us to offer innovative and efficient solutions to our clients.
Our values:
- The honesty and integrity infused in the relationships that bind us to our clients, partners and service providers.
- A business ethic geared towards the prevention of any conflict of interests with our clients.
- An absolute transparency of our fees and of our management assignments.
- A client dedicated effort and a constant quest for innovation.

Discretionary management mandate
This mandate is intended for the client who wishes to delegate the management of his portfolio. Together we will determine the profile adapted to his objectives. This mandate authorises us to manage and give instructions on behalf of the client to the banking institution where his portfolio is deposited but excludes the right of disposition.
Advisory mandate
Based on the advisory mandate, our advisers provide to our clients, willing to participate actively in the management of their investments, all necessary market information to assist them in making their own decisions. Ovan will transmit the orders approved by the client to the latter’s bank and will monitor their correct execution.
Audit of Portfolio Management
Ovan makes its asset management expertise available to clients who wish to analyse their portfolios entrusted to other financial institutions (banks or external asset managers). Following this management audit, a detailed report on the management compliance, the analysis of the risk-return combination and on the fees will be submitted to the client. This service offers the client a stringent, objective and independent perspective on the management of his estate by other industry players.

A tripartite relationship

Ovan Capital is affiliated with SO-FIT, a non-profit association, authorized by FINMA, active for many years in the field of self-regulation of financial intermediaries, aimed at combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It also ensures the prudential supervision of asset managers and trustees. Ovan Capital is also a member of the Swiss Association of Wealth Managers (ASG).
The mediation body
In accordance with the legal obligations under LSFin, we are affiliated to a mediation body. We inform you that in case of any possible disagreement between us, you are granted the option to have recourse to mediation. The contact details of the mediation body are:
Terraxis SA
Rue de la Tour-de-l’Île 1
CH-1204 Genève
T +41 22 732 61 19


Cryptos :
- Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
- Money Laundering Reporting Office Switzerland (MROS)
Professional association:
- Association Suisse des Gérants de Fortune
Charitable associations:
- Ligue suisse contre le cancer
www.liguecancer.ch - La Pouponnière et l’Abri
www.pouponniere.ch - Caritas

Ovan Capital SA
Rue François-Bonivard 10
CH-1201 Genève
T +41 22 310 76 50
F +41 22 310 76 51
E info@ovan-capital.ch